Passive Defense Principles Evaluation InArchitectural Design Of Industrial Buildings By AHP Method
Dr. Seyed Javad Hashemi Fesharaki
Passive Defense Principles Evaluation in Architectural Design of Industrial Buildings by AHP Method
Yousef Gorji Mahlabani1, Seyed Javad Hashemi Feshraki2, Mojtaba Farahmandian3*
1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Development, Imam Khomeini International
2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Passive Defense, Imam Hossein University,
Using the principles and requirements of passive defense in the design and constr facilities, in
particular, owing to the war experience and threats in the region of ea tive solutions to confront
threats. Industrial buildings are vital and important due t tories and industries of a country,
covering main infrastructure and equipment re tivities, and providing favorable conditions of
functioning, especially during threa passive defense in industrial buildings should be taken into
consideration from init sibility, planning and architectural design phase. This study consists of
two parts. fense and industrial buildings are reviewed and passive defense principles related tural
design are extracted by logical deduction, then principles associated with the al buildings are
analyzed with analytical and statistical software using AHP analys termine the importance of
these principles relative to each other. Results are pr studying passive defense references
and principles relating to the architectural d sults of the evaluation and analysis in this study
showed that, the principle of “S critical structures” is the most important principle in
meeting the requirements buildings study and design. Next important principles are site selection
and estab persion and separation.
Keywords Passive Defense Principles; Industrial Buildings; Architectural Design.
Evaluat ion of Passive Defense Principles In Archit ectural Design of Industr ial Buildin gs
Immunization of Facilitating Increasing the Reducin g
the continuation
industrial buildings crisis stability of
physical of essential
(against threats and management industrial buildings vulnerability
activitie s of CRITERIA
incidents) in industrial in case of threat of
industrial industrial
buildings buildings
buildings in
------------- ---------- -.0-- ------------------------ --
Rampart Dispersion in
Use of multi purpose structure s
Retrofitt ing Parallelization functions Site selection and
of dependent distribution and
camouflage im mun ization supporter and separation
performance of vital systems in accordance ssettlement
structure s with threats
Passive+Defense+Principles+Evaluation+in+… (1).pdf
©JK Welfare & Pharmascope
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